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What Makes The IDEX 3D Printer System So Impressive?


Independent dual extrusion is a 3D printer configuration for material extrusion 3D printers; two extruders can move independently on the X-axis. When talking about functionality, the IDEX system found on the Snapmaker J1 3D printer provides the ability to print various materials or soluble supports with ideal print quality, reliability, and speed over a dependent dual extrusion system.

So, when assessing 3D printers, you better choose a platform with the most application and material flexibility since it will offer a fast-tracked return on investment. The Snapmaker J1 3D printer does just that; it unlocks the ability to print complex shapes on multiple materials and extensive internal geometries with impressive print quality. So, what are other reasons making the IDEX 3D printer so remarkable? Here are the reasons:

· Buying one IDEX 3D printer is equivalent to having a single extrusion 3D printer and a dual extrusion 3D printer. It can perform single extrusion printing to obtain a monochrome printing and simultaneously implement a dual extrusion 3D orienting.

· It is equipped with functionalities that IDEX 3D printers should possess, like multiple printing modes, various materials printing, multiple colour printing, etc. Therefore, make it your aim to own it, visit the website, learn more about this exquisite making machine, and then make your order. While you do this, read the terms and conditions of return policies, shipment methods, and payment methods to ensure you will be satisfied. We aim to satisfy our customers, not only with the machines but also with customer service.

· With a J1 independent dual extruder 3D printer, when printing with a single extruder nozzle, the dormant extruder always preheats while on standby, and then right after the working extruder leaves, it starts printing; hence it significantly reduces your waiting time. This applies when one extruder bumps into a miss; the other dormant extruder will continue working from the right where it left.

A common problem associated with dual extrusion is a corner bulge. Still, Snapmaker eliminated this issue since the J1 Dual Extruder 3D printer has been made to analyze the extruder's moving direction ahead of time. Therefore, you can be sure to obtain better print quality at the corner of the object. Furthermore, you can contact us through our website to learn about many other possibilities. Therefore, you can visit the website to learn more and make your order, or click and be the first to own it.

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