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Snapmaker PETG Filament


At Snapmaker, we are keen to understand the complexities of 3D printing with PETG (and other materials) in order to provide a hassle-free experience for our customers. here, you will find step-by-step instructions addressing the most frequently arising problems with 3D printing PETG to the Snapmaker platform, as well as possible ways to fix them.

1. Layer Adhesion Issues:

Possible Causes:

The starters' bed adjustment, printing temperature, and cooling.

Troubleshooting Tips:

Apply the calibration process accurately to make sure of the exact bed leveling in Snapmaker.

Set the printing temperature between the suggested range, which is 230-250°C.

Put enough cooling, especially for smaller layers, in place so that they will not overheat, and then the upper layer will bond.

2. Warping Challenges:

Possible Causes:

Incorrect bed temperature, poor bed adhesion, fast-cooling issues.

Troubleshooting Tips:

To stabilize the bed temperature, which is 80-90°C.

Apply a brim or a raft to improve the product's stickiness to the bed.

Gradually slow down the speed of cooling fans as the cooling rate decreases.

3. Stringing Troubles

Possible Causes:

you get high nozzle temperatures, excessive infill amount, or inadequate speed.

Troubleshooting Tips:

Retraction settings should be optimized to avoid the use of too much material.

Reach the best point by balancing quality and speed of printing by testing different print speeds.

Make certain that your hot-end temperature matches the 3D print PETG filament processing instructions.

4. Calibration and Printing Parameters Improvement.

Possible Causes

Inaccurate calibration or bad quality printing parameters.

Troubleshooting Tips

Make sure to go through the calibration procedure a second time to correct the calibration if necessary.

Implement proper printing parameters such as layer height, print speed, and infill density, but these parameters should be according to specific features of PETG filament.

Preventive Measures

It is important to clean the print bed on a regular basis to keep up with the good attachment.

Expecting to procure a reputable enclosure to eliminate heat changes.

Keep filament stored in a place free from humid conditions in order to avoid moisture absorption.

We would like to ensure a strong Snapmaker community with not just the world's best toolkit but also the capability of discovering and overcoming problems through education.

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