3D printing is a broad term under which various technologies have emerged to cater to a specific application. So, learning about the many functions a 3D printer can perform usually gets one excited about getting one. There are different specifications of professional 3D printers; they vary in size, function, technology, and so on. Therefore, before buying one, you need to consider many factors. Making the decision can be pretty overwhelming, but this article has sampled some of the factors that will help you make an upright decision;
· When buying 3D printers online, you should check the 3D printer technology. There are different 3D printing technology types, like;
ü Fused Deposition Modeling (FDM)
ü Stereolithography
ü Selective Laser Sintering (SLS)
ü Digital Light Process (DLP)
ü Electronic Beam Melting (EBM)
· It is essential to consider the price of a 3D printer, though the prices vary, and the technology, size, etc., mainly bring about this variation. For example, FDM printers are lower compared to SLS printer prices. But remember that the upfront price of a printer is a partial cost; you have to account for the materials used. Notably, filament consumption will mostly depend on factors like layer thickness, model fullness, product size, and so on.
· Ask yourself what you intend to print because this will determine what type of material you will need; mark you; each type of 3D printer has different kinds of material that it supports. In addition, the materials have different properties; some produce 3D objects aesthetically, and some are strong and light. So, knowing the properties of the materials will help you pinpoint the exact material and making machine you need. These materials are PLA, ABS, PETG, TPU, etc.