Snapmaker has further made the best advancements by branching out and introducing the IDEX 3D printer onto the market, the Snapmaker J1. The J1 3D printer allows the two individual extruders to be able to move separately, creating its specs in several ways. The Snapmaker J1 has got the best features, something that makes it more outstanding. It’s important that you get to know the benefits you’ll have when using the J1 3D printer. Some of these are as discussed below. 1. High-temperature print head The hot end of the J1’s print head is all metal, indicating that this type of 3D printer is capable of reaching temperatures of up to 300 °C. With this ability, the J1 3D printer allows the use of a wider variety of filaments, including PETG, PLA, ABS, and even more professional ones like polycarbonate and nylon composites. Moreover, you can reach 100 °C with its PEI- coated glass print bed, providing you with a decent adhesion for the entire material selection.
2. Whizzing print speeds
As stated by the Snapmaker team, the J1 3D printer has a printing speed of up to 350 mm/s together with a maximum acceleration of about 10,000 mm/s². The J1 3D printer as well features vibration compensation technology which makes use of algorithms to help reduce the vibrations that are caused by high-speed movement, which reduces the ringing and enhances the quality of the prints. The whizzing print speed plays a crucial role in cutting down the printing time by almost 66%.
3. Bed leveling
It can be hectic adjusting the IDEX 3D printers, especially when you are using different materials or color prints, as you’ll have to alternate the nozzles and make them be on the exact spot to continue printing from exactly where you left off. However, the J1 3D printer has got a special intelligent leveling process that utilizes electrical conduction to help locate both hot ends and the heated bed and measure the distance. The automated process provides high accuracy, making it possible to achieve a perfect level.
In addition, the 3D printer IDEX has brought about the best 3D printing experience, as the user is able to print even more complex pieces. Also, the IDEX 3D printer gives you the ability to combine different materials in order for you to achieve different mechanical properties in just a single print.